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Christians Waged the first War on Christmas

The cordial cashier at the Canadian Tire checkout wore a button. It said something like, “It’s Okay to Wish Me Merry Christmas”. I did.

But it reminded me of the holiday tradition of bemoaning the War on Christmas. As problems go, this one is imaginary.

Certain social conservatives create a seasonal victimhood this time of year, complaining that Christians are being mugged by anti-Christmas heathens bearing court orders; Grinches trying to steal the Christ child from the manger. What is the strategy of these atheist outlaws? Inclusion, of course. Corporations substitute “holiday” for “Christmas”, school assemblies celebrate winter or add the festivals of other religions and cultures, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa for instance, to the celebratory buffet.

Religious groups in the United States such as the American Family Association lament a loosening of the tenacious cultural grip Christians have enjoyed, by declaring that Christmas is under attack. Perhaps no one has pointed out to all these alleged victims that the first and only real war on Christmas was not waged by retailers but by Christians bent on the destruction of Christmas as a way to establish a godly society.

In England of the early 17th century, Christmas was not so different from what it is today: churches and other edifices were decorated with holly and ivy, gifts were exchanged and charity was distributed among the poor. And yes, there were parties with song, laughter and food. Mummers would dress up in costumes to perform plays in the streets or in homes. Carollers would sing door to door. Wealthy lords threw open their manors, inviting local peasants and villagers inside for a meal. Groups of young men called wassailers would march in and demand to be feasted or given gifts of money in exchange for their good wishes and songs.

A group of English Calvinists called Puritans despised it all. They saw Christmas as more revelry than piety; superstitious at best and heretical at worst. After all, they argued, no holy days except the Sabbath were sanctioned in the Bible. They saw Christmas as a veneer slapped on pagan celebrations. Celebrating the birth of Jesus on December 25 was a Christian hijacking of a Roman festival (true). Keeping Christmas meant you defiled yourself by paying homage to a pagan custom.

When the Puritans rebelled against King Charles I, inciting the English Revolution, the popular celebration of Christmas was on their hit list. Victorious against the king, in 1647, the Puritan government actually canceled Christmas. Merriment was forbidden. Stores had to stay open. Churches who marked Christmas were closed.

The Puritans who sailed to North America held the same views. They called Christmas ‘Foolstide’. The theocrats who ran Massachusetts went so far as to outlaw the celebration of Christmas. From 1659 to 1681, anyone caught celebrating Christmas in the colony would be fined five shillings. The Puritan War on Christmas lasted until 1870 when Christmas became a legally recognized federal holiday.

So the next time someone rails against the godless secularists stealing Jesus, it’s worth remembering that in the only actual attempt to outlaw Christmas, the attack came from Christian soldiers.

As for my Canadian Tire cashier, her button is emblematic of a wonderful new wave of tolerance. Of course it’s okay to wish someone Merry Christmas. Let’s wish each other whatever seasonal greeting we feel moved to offer and return in kind. Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Joyous Kwanzaa. Thanks. You too.

Surely good cheer is more important than scoring a point or winning a war.

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